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Cheaply disposed of

Have you disposed of your old tyres cheaply and saved money?


But do you also realise that what you have saved is being paid for many times over by someone else?

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We all pay when you dispose of your used tyres cheaply:

It's time to take responsibility: for ourselves, for our environment and for our actions! Dispose of used tyres exclusively with certified used tyre disposal companies!

en_GBEnglish (UK)

Your mission:

Disposal order for registered customers only. Register now!

Disposal order for collection

Order used tyre collection

Your enquiry:

Disposal of used tyres up to 20 tyres

Private individuals and small businesses

Disposal of used tyres over 20 tyres

Trade with large quantities

Disposing of rubber waste

We dispose of and recycle your rubber waste professionally.

Request rubber products

From peeling snakes to granules and fine gum flour.

Request contract grinding

Use the KURZ machine park for your customised product.

Tyre service appointment

Complete assembly or wheel change.
Make an appointment now.